The Ability to Move is a Privilege

Light exercises for beginners to break the sedentary life style!

Greetings lovely reader,

If you are fortunate enough to move, and some how have lost this innate habit to move which we were all born with and used as a child, this video is for you. I have been there plenty of times myself, at that time left wondering and wandering into the self made woulds, of why, how did I, could have, should have and how do I start now or is it too late for me. Only to find out that if I have a talk with myself and say lovely, “nothing like the present, you can start to move now”, and walla in no time I am up on the moving band wagon – feeling accomplished and good!

The following three simple tips which apply to anything we would like to implement in life or gain any skill:

  • Prepare your own will, remember that no one can do that for you.
  • Designate the time slot on your schedule for when to start & practice.
  • Be disciplined & gently practice, practice, practice for at least six weeks on a regular and consistent basis.

How many reps should I do?

Try to do two more reps than what you are able to do each time, till you are able to do 20 reps at least for the arms and the shoulders. For the neck, 5 reps are good enough. You can practice these any number of times in a day.

When and where can I practice?

Practice these useful skills while sitting at your desk in a chair, bed, walking, standing, anytime anywhere and you will notice this habit instilled without climbing mountains or hills.


I live with my motto – “Life is unknown, unpredictable and uncertain so it is better to play my part owning the responsibility to move myself while I possibly can.”

Personally the practice has helped me maintain and manage my over all well being. It has helped me with physical ailments like carpal tunnel syndrome, & frozen shoulder. It helps lessen the physical and the mental stress, sprains, strains, cervical spondylitis and arthritis of the upper extremities..

Your body, mind and soul will reward you wholistically- preventing high medical bills and there is a freedom of movement in the strengthening of the muscles and the joints.

Disclaimer: Please do these light exercises at your own discretion or consult your physician.