
Greetings Lovely Reader,

Are you looking to experience life in the state of Wholistic Health, Peace and Joy?

If your answer is “Yes”, then you, fellow human, have embarked at the right place.

My given name is Lovely. Yes, indeed, now how lucky I am? A realist & a life enthusiast, I live with a practice of my own mantra/quote — “All beings are not only carriers of loveliness, but are surrounded with the abundant goodness at any given moment”.

My vision for this portal, “It’s All Lovely” is to share salient insights from everyday life with a lens of clarity and positivity, via stories, poems, quotes, and more to help You, the lovely reader, not only to just survive, but strive to thrive.

Thank You for taking the time to visit. I will try my personal best to express my view through appropriate choice of words making it worthy of your continued revisits!

If you find value in the play of words, your cheering comments would be appreciated. To stay connected while on this metamorphic journey, feel free to subscribe and follow me through other media links at the bottom of this website pages.

Come let’s Engage, Explore & Experience this precious opportunity to live, so we can together say, indeed— “It’s All Lovely“!